- Q: What is a "girl in green"
- A: A girl in green is bawsically any woman or girl who smoakes weed.
- Q: What is "weed"
- A:Weddd...... oH boy. Weed, akaka "the ghanja" "the bouf" "maryjane" and "drug" is this kind of plant that can make you high. It lets you get more in tune with nature, as well as to access the spirtual secrets of the univeerse. You gotta try this shit.
- Q:Is this a fetish thing
- A:NO!!!!!!!! I am not interested sexually in womrn, regardless of whetehr are not they smoke weed, and evemn If I was I would jnot lust after our girls in green,a s I am like an insect to them.
- Q:Your a bimbo who hits omn truckers at trcuk stops
- A:This isn't a question but people are constantly saying it to me, so I wpould like to clarify that rthis is not true.
- Q: who made this website
- BargainBinBastard
- Q:You misspelled "girls"
- A: Anagain not really a question but I know and I'm sorry